St. Jude Prayer Network

St. Jude Prayer Network

Welcome to the St. Jude Prayer Network!


St. Jude the Apostle is the patron of our parish community.  The Church honors and invokes St. Jude universally as the patron of hope.  We ask St. Jude to bring hope, comfort, and help where they are needed most.  We invite you to bring your prayer request to our parish online St. Jude Prayer Network.

Post your prayer request by filling out the form below.  All prayer requests and your first name will be visible to the public. 



Please pray for the requests of those in need posted here on the St. Jude Prayer Network:

I am asking for a situation to be resolved by God, my mother was involved in a car accident and I lost my vehicle, my mother is traumatized. Please God be with us at our time of need and resolve our situation. ~Irving

Pray to complete my research immediately without obstacles. Always there are family problems for me so it affect my work.pray for those directly or indirectly help and guide me in this process. ~Anonomous

For the repose of the soul of Brittany M. ~Anonomous

Prayers for my dear friend Erin who is in hospice with colon cancer. ~Bill

Please heal M's neurological and mental issues, and the neuropathy in his hands and feet. Also, please restore peace and love in his family.  Lord, increase our faith! ~Mark

I ask for prayers for financial problems and to complete work projects. ~Lucia

St. Jude please intercede for John, in the hospital with a persistent fever and pneumonia. ~M


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