
The vocation of Christian marriage calls a man and a woman to root, in the God who unites them and the love that they have for one another. They become living sacraments themselves, manifesting in their loving union the true presence and power of the Lord in their lives.

Couples preparing to enter the sacred covenant of marriage are encouraged to make initial arrangements with our Administrator, Father Justin Weber, at least six months in advance of the wedding date. The pastor and trained married couples will assist couples in assessing their readiness for marriage, in an understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, and through an instructional program. 

In the awareness of the rich sacramentality of marriage, Saint Jude follows guidelines from the Wisconsin Catholic Conference to aid priests and other pastoral ministers in preparing couples for marriage. At least one person must be a registered and practicing member of Saint Jude the Apostle Parish. Special consideration will be given to those whose parents are members of Saint Jude the Apostle.

Marriage Preparation

  • Must be a registered member of St. Jude Parish
  • Appontment beginning at least 6 months in advance of wedding date
  • Weddings are not scheduled during Lent

Marriage Contact
Email: Fr. Justin Weber at frweber@stjudetheapostle.net
Parish Office: (414) 258-8821