First Eucharist

The First Eucharist program for all children in second grade begins with parent meetings in January. Other sessions include renewal of baptismal promises with a special dinner and other family activities. Group reception of First Eucharist is held at two special Masses. Individual reception may also be arranged.

Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
A sacrament is one of our most personal encounters with Christ, by which He expresses His love for us and through which we respond with our love for Him. To be properly disposed to receive a sacrament, we must have a loving, ongoing relationship with Christ. To receive a sacrament the following must be present:

  • The child's faith must have been nourished and directed through formational instruction (at least one year prior to the reception of the sacrament).
  • Family participation with the worshipping community on a regular basis at the celebration of Mass.
  • True readiness for the sacrament on the part of the child.
  • Full involvement of the parent/guardian in the preparation process.
  • The desire on the part of the child to receive the sacrament.

Religious Preparation
To ensure sufficient religious training, one full year of preparation is required for school age children before a sacrament can be received. Specifically, children entering a grade where a sacrament is received (2nd or 11th) must have attended a Religious Education Program or Catholic School the previous year.
If you have questions regarding religious preparation, please contact Heather Warner.

First Eucharist Contact
Email: Heather Warner: hwarner@stjudetheapostle.net 
414-258-8821 x 231