Worship & Music


Celebrate God's love . . . 
In Baptism, we are all called as faithful members of the Catholic Church to celebrate liturgy with conscious, lively and active participation. Through spoken word and psalms sung, we earnestly seek to "promote a warm and living love for scripture" for all our members.

Here I am Lord . . . 
The Greek word "liturgia," meaning "the work of all," reminds us that God calls all of us to celebrate in His name. Many people are needed to prepare and celebrate liturgy for our congregation. We ask you to prayerfully consider joining one of our many liturgical or musical groups and help enhance the presence of the Lord for others.  

Come Join Us . . . 
Our parish truly experiences the Risen Lord when we come together and become what we receive, the Living Body of Christ, going forth to love and serve the Lord and others in a world crying for hope and love.

Mass Intentions . . . 

Mass intentions are not only offered for the deceased but can be offered for the living, as well. How about having a Mass said for a family member or friend’s birthday or anniversary? Intentions may also be offered for those who are sick or are recovering from an illness or injury. The stipend for a Mass is ten dollars. If you wish to schedule an intention for a weekday or weekend, please contact the parish office at 258-8821.