Religious Education

"Let the little children come to me."
In Christ's own words we are beckoned to draw closer to Him. It is in this spirit that the St. Jude the Apostle Religious Education Program strives to find each “little one” where he/she is and encourage them to take steps closer to God.

Heather Warner, Pastoral Associate
414-258-8821 x231 hwarner@stjudetheapostle.net

Mission of the St. Jude Religious Education Program

  1. To teach the Message contained in Scripture, Revelation and Catholic Tradition in order to help children build the foundation of knowledge on which a mature religious decision may one day be made. The content for this program follows the norms established in the National Directory for Catechesis (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2020). To try and make children aware of the responsibilities which arise from their relationship with God and others by teaching them the Mission of the Church and providing opportunities for them to be of service to others.
  2. To provide opportunities to pray and worship through a variety of prayer forms and liturgies.
  3. To provide programs for parents to assist them in their responsibilities for the Christian development of their children. 

Role of the Parents

Parents are the primary educators in the faith. Together with them… all members of the family play an active part in the education of the younger members…The family is defined as the “domestic Church”… General Directory for Catechesis, #255

We believe that formation in Catholic Christianity employs a partnership between parents and the parish.  While the parish can provide formal formation in faith, we encourage, and provide support for, parents to take an active role in their children’s ongoing faith development.  Our Catholic tradition sees weekly participation in the Mass to be an essential practice for this to take place.

Role of the Catechist
Catechists in our Religious Education Program are Catholic persons of faith who volunteer their time and talent to share that gift of faith with the youth of the parish. Catechists strive to build up a community spirit among the youth which will strengthen and nourish them, and which will call them to discover, internalize, proclaim, and live the Gospel message, and to grow in faith.


To register, please follow this LINK
or contact Heather Warner at hwarner@stjudetheapostle.net