Music & Choirs

Music is a gift of God that opens for us a glimpse of God's glory. Music joined with scripture helps make the liturgy more beautiful and emphasizes its sacred character. Through our music and choirs, we strive to open the minds and hearts of the congregation to hear and reflect on God's Word in a way that words alone cannot convey.

Volunteer Opportunities

Adult Choir    
The Adult Choir provides musical leadership as a group primarily at the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass, Christmas Eve, Holy Week and at other special services throughout the year.  The choir provides a wide range of liturgical music of all periods of the church's tradition.

Lead sung prayer at Liturgy from the altar. Rehearsal time is set by appointment. Cantors needed on a seasonal basis with a varied schedule that may include special feasts.  

Occasionally wind, brass, handbells and percussion are added to enhance the music.  There is no set schedule.  Rehearsal time is set by appointment.


Director of Liturgy and Music

For more information about music at St. Jude's or to join one of our choirs, please contact Mark Konewko at 414-258-8821 or mkonewko@stjudetheapostle.net.